The first traditional ashtanga yoga shala in Venice
Formally established in 2019, Ashtanga Yoga Venezia (AYV) was founded by our teacher Cristina, after four years of teaching ashtanga yoga under the name of "Cristina Innocenti Ashtanga Yoga" (2015 -2019).
The idea was to pass from a more individually linked to the teacher project to a community-based one where the protagonists are the students, the sangha and the practice.
During the pandemic year, to have found a new location dedicated exclusively to yoga, after great years of sharing places with other realities, has made the difference in creating a more precise identity.
Ashtanga Yoga Venezia is now in the heart of Venice, in between Rialto and San Marco area. A warm and cosy shala, open to local and international ashtangis visiting Venice.
Our led classes are with Sanskrit counting and English cues, therefore suitable for ashtangis from all over the world.

Cristina Innocenti
Cristina meets yoga, oriental religions and philosophies in her 20ies. After practising hatha yoga for nearly 15 years, she falls in love with ashtanga yoga during her two yoga teacher training in India (200 hrs foundation course in 2015 and 300 hrs in 2018), with Himalaya Yoga Valley (IRYS, International Registered Yoga School) under the guidance of Yogacharya Lalit Kumar. She is certified with YAP (Yoga Alliance Professionals) since 2015, now Experienced Yoga Teacher.
She teaches ashtanga yoga as taught by K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois, whom she devoutly and humbly studies with any time possible. She keeps studying also with her first teacher Lalit Kumar and other internationally authorised KPJAYI teachers, as Kino Mac Gregor, Petri Raisanen, Day Christiansen and many others.
Sensitive, empathetic and enthusiastic, she combines the inheritance of traditional teachings with a fresh and modern approach focused on the well-being of her students in a kind, gentle and loving way.